Profiles: Waterways people

Matthew Symonds

Matthew Symonds, CRT national boating manager, says the charity has listened to boaters’ concerns and is now prioritising them with the Better Boating Plan

What’s the background to this initiative?

We know that our boater satisfaction scores have been going down for a while and last year they dropped significantly. We’ve had lots of challenges over recent years: renegotiating the government grant, dealing with reservoir infrastructure issues plus a lot of other major reactive work to climate change and storm damage. I think we have to hold our hands up and say that those were draws on our resources and time, and this has meant that we’ve had less of a focus on day-to-day maintenance and repairs, and the things that matter to boaters. So, unsurprisingly, we’ve seen boaters’ satisfaction drop below 50% and that’s not where we want it to be.

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Haven Knox Johnston boat insurance

Riding the waves with a Severn pilot

Fiona Burt explores the day-to-day role of Carl Merry, one of four professional Severn boat pilots

Carl Merry has been a pilot on the River Severn for 20 years. He’s one of only four Gloucester pilots who cover some 40 nautical miles from Barry Roads in South Wales up to Sharpness Port in Gloucestershire.

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Crick Boat Show 2025

Sarah Edgson

Continuing Tradition

When she’s not running a busy boat services company, Sarah Edgson is actively involved in preserving historic canal craft. Kev Maslin finds out more…

Boating background

Thirty-nine-year-old Sarah Edgson is the eldest daughter of legendary BCN-based boat-builder, Graham Edgson, and she has built up a remarkable pedigree in a largely male-dominated industry.

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Interview with... Michael Fenton

Paint it Black

Keelblack has been heralded as a faster, cleaner and longer-lasting boat blacking alternative. Michael Fenton is owner and MD of the parent company, Tuffblack.

“Always take that telephone call, talk to everyone,” says Michael Fenton, MD of Tuffblack. “All of the interesting opportunities I have encountered over the years have been as a result of a casual conversation.”

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Haven Knox Johnston boat insurance

Crick Boat Show 2025

